Biology 2023
Objective Questions
The ability of organisms to maintain a constant internal environment is known as:
Correct Answer: (c) Homeostasis
The diagram below is an illustration of a mango leaf drawn by a student in a Biology test. The student failed the test. Study it and answer question 2 and 3

From the diagram above, the likely reason why the student failed the test was that the:
Correct Answer: (a) Labels were wrong and the guidelines were not touching the structures.
Which other features of the diagram, if shown, would have earned the student more marks?
Correct Answer: (b) Title and magnification
The diagram below are illustrations of forms in which a particular group of organisms exist. Study them and answer questions 4 and 5

From the diagram above, which group of organisms is illustrated?
Correct Answer: (a) Bacteria
In which of the illustrated forms does the organism that causes cholera exist?
Correct Answer: (d) V
Study the list of organisms below and use them to answer the questions 6 and 7
- I - Hydra
- II - Owl
- III - Snake
- IV - Snail
Arrangement of the organisms in order of increasing complexity is:
Correct Answer: (c) I - IV - II - I
The phylum of the organism labelled IV is:
Correct Answer: (c) Mollusca
The diagram below is an illustration of a cell in which photosynthesis takes place. Study it and answer question 8 and 9

In which of the labelled parts would molecules of water and carbon (IV) oxide combine to form sugar?
Correct Answer: (d) IV
From the diagram above, the oxygen gas formed in the cell diffuses out of the cytoplasm into the air spaces through the part labelled:
Correct Answer: (c) III
An example of a process that involves osmosis is the:
Correct Answer: (d) Movement of water from root hairs into cortical cells
Growth in animals differs from that in plants because growth in:
Correct Answer: (d) Plants is indefinite
The diagram below is an illustration of a structure in the skeletal system of humans. Study it and answer questions 12 and 13

The illustrated structure is a part of the:
Correct Answer: (b) Axial skeleton
An individual was involved in a car accident and the illustrated structure was badly injured. Which of the following structures would most likely be affected?
Correct Answer: (c) Eye, cerebellum, and car
The tricuspid valve is located between the:
Correct Answer: (d) Right auricle and right ventricle
The diagram below is an illustration of some structures used for gaseous exchange in humans. Study it and answer questions 15 and 16

The parts labelled I, II, III, and IV respectively are:
Correct Answer: (d) Larynx, trachea, bronchiole, and bronchus
The part labelled III above would be found in the:
Correct Answer: (b) Lung
Which of the following hormones is wrongly paired with its secretory organ?
Correct Answer: (d) Adrenaline and kidney
The eye defect caused by an uneven curvature of the cornea or lens or both is:
Correct Answer: (b) Astigmatism
The androecium in a flowering plant is a collection of:
Correct Answer: (b) Stamens
Placentation in fruits is referred to as the:
Correct Answer: (c) Arrangement of ovules in the ovary of a flower
Which of the following processes does not occur during photosynthesis?
Correct Answer: (a) Carbon (V) oxide is evolved
Stunted growth and small yellow leaves in plants are symptoms of the deficiencies of:
Correct Answer: (d) Nitrogen
The structure that its action could result in choking when talking and eating at the same time is:
Correct Answer: (a) Epiglottis
The food substance that would produce the highest amount of energy is:
Correct Answer: (b) Fat
Organisms that feed on dead, decaying tissues of other organisms are known as:
Correct Answer: (d) Saprophytes
The type of nutrition in which organisms take in solid organic materials into their body is:
Correct Answer: (a) Holozoic
The mouthparts of a grasshopper are adapted for:
Correct Answer: (a) Chewing
A group of organisms belonging to different species that coexist in the same habitat and interact is referred to as:
Correct Answer: (d) Community
Which of the following factors is the main problem facing xerophytes?
Correct Answer: (c) Lack of adequate water
Fishes survive in water mainly because they possess:
Correct Answer: (d) Gills
Which of the following instruments is not used in measuring abiotic factors in a habitat?
Correct Answer: (b) Microscope
Which of the following soil types have a high capillarity?
Correct Answer: (b) Silt and clay
The capturing and digestion of insects by a pitcher plant is a special form of nutrition that:
Correct Answer: (c) Heterotrophic
Which of the following organisms would be the producer in a food chain?
Correct Answer: (b) Maize
The rate of decomposition of dead organisms is faster in the tropical rainforest than in other biomes because:
Correct Answer: (d) Of availability of moisture
the diagram below are illustrations of organisms in a habitat study them and answer questions 36 and 37

The feeding relationship between the organisms labelled III and IV in the diagram is:
Correct Answer: (c) Predation
The producer in the diagram above is:
Correct Answer: (b) I because it uses sunlight to manufacture food
Which of the following activities is against the conservation of natural resources?
Correct Answer: (b) Deforestation
Use the information below to answer questions 39 and 40
- making shoes from crocodile Skin
- Making tables with plastic
- Using elephant tusk for decoration
- using firewood for cooking
The act that should be encouraged for the conservation of wildlife and forests is:
Correct Answer: (b) II
In order to avoid some of the acts that would have negative effects on conservation, Government should:
Correct Answer: (a) Enact and enforce laws towards conservation of resources
Which of the following characteristics shows discontinuous variation in plants?
Correct Answer: (a) Colour of flower
A Rhesus negative woman may experience stillbirth of the second child that is Rhesus positive because:
Correct Answer: (b) The blood of the foetus might clump
A sudden change in the genetic composition of an organism is termed:
Correct Answer: (c) Mutation
Paternity disputes could be resolved accurately through:
Correct Answer: (c) DNA test
The illustration below is a genetic diagram. Study it and answer questions 45 to 47

What is the name of the genetic diagram?
Correct Answer: (b) Punnett square
What do the labels I, II, III, and IV respectively represent?
Correct Answer: (c) EE, EE, Ee, and Ee
The genotypic ratio of the offspring in the genetic diagram above is:
Correct Answer: (a) 1:1
What is the probability that a pregnancy would result in a male child?
Correct Answer: (c) 1/2
A vestigial structure in humans is:
Correct Answer: (d) Tail bone
The following activities are associated with termites except:
Correct Answer: (a) Nuptial flight
Theory Questions
- What is classification of living things?
State four ways each
by which
the following groups of organisms are of economic
importance in
their habitats:
- Fungi;
- Plants.
Complete the table below by stating five
phyla of the Kingdom Animalia and give
example of each.
Phyla of Kingdom Animalia
a. Complete the table below.
Element | Function in plants | Effects of deficiency in plants |
Iron | ||
Molybdenum | ||
Potassium | ||
Copper | ||
Nitrogen |
b. Name three classes of organic foods which are essential constituents in the diet of a mammal.
c. State two roles each of the following structures of the digestive system in humans:
- Buccal cavity;
- Duodenum;
- Stomach.
d. Name the end product of adding dilute hydrochloric acid to sucrose.
Relationships I, II, III, IV, V exist among some organisms in an ecosystem. Use them to answer questions 3(a) to 3(e).
I: Organism A grows on
organism B.
II: Organism C feeds
on food
remnants left by organism D without
III: Organism E
shelter for F while F
transports E towards food.
IV: Organism G kills
B for food.
V: Organism H feeds on
J, causing J a
a. Name the type of relationship in I, II, III, IV and V.
b. In relationship IV, what is the biological term for each of organisms B and G?
- B;
- G;
c. Name one example each of organisms B to J.
d. (i) Name the relationship that is most beneficial to the ecosystem.
(ii) Give one reason for the answer in 3(d)(i).
e. (i) Give two examples of organism A.
(ii) Name the group to which organism A belongs.
a. Complete the following Punnett squares of a dihybrid cross between two rats. One has black fur (BB) and short tail (tt), the other has brown fur (bb) and long tail (TT).
X |
Bt |
bT |
b. How many of the offspring will have:
- Black fur and short tail;
- Brown fur and long tail;
- Black fur and long tail;
- Brown fur and short tail?
c. If there were twenty (20) chromosomes in the leaf cell of a plant, how many chromosomes would be in each of the following cells of the plant?
- Pollen grain
- Guard cell
- Ovule
- Root cell
List of Specimens
Group I
Specimen A – Mature fresh eggs of catfish
Specimen B – Fresh egg of domestic fowl (raw, with shell
Specimen C – Picture/model/chart of uterus containing a
Specimen D – Longitudinal section of ovary of Pride of
Specimen E – Leaf of Pride of Barbados
Specimen F – Panicum plant/Guinea grass (whole
Specimen G – Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole
Specimen H – Corm of cocoyam
Specimen J – Dry humus in a beaker
Specimen K – Moist humus in a beaker
Specimen L – Ripe orange fruit (whole)
Specimen M – Longitudinal section of coconut fruit
Specimen N – Longitudinal section of fresh chilli pepper
Study specimens A, B, C and D and answer questions 1(a) to 1(f).
- State three observable differences between specimens A and B.
- In the table below, use a tick (√) to indicate the appropriate modes of reproduction of the organism that possesses each of specimens A, B, and C.
Three observable Features |
One function |
- (i) Name the Phylum/Division of the organisms that possess each of specimens A and D.
(ii) Name the Class of organisms that possess each of specimens A, B, C and D.
- State the biological function of specimen B to the organism that possesses it.
- Crack open specimen B and carefully empty its content into a Petri dish. Complete the table below by naming three observable features of specimen B and state one function each of the features named.
Three observable Features |
One function |
- State one habitat each of the organisms that possess specimens A, B, and D.
Study specimens F, G, and H and answer questions 2(a) to 2(f)
- Name the Class to which each of specimens F and G belong.
- State one reason each for the answers in 2(a).
- Name the root system of each of specimens F and G.
- (i) Detach one complete leaf from specimen F and make a drawing, 8 cm to 10 cm long of the leaf and label fully.
(ii) State one function each of three of the labelled parts of the drawing in 2(d)(i).
- State three ways by which specimen F is of economic importance.
- (i) Describe briefly four observable features of specimen H.
(ii) State one biological significance of specimen H to the plant from which it was obtained.
Study specimens L, M, and N and answer questions 3(a) to 3(f):
- Classify each of specimens L, M and N based on:
- type of fruit;
- life cycle.
- Make a longitudinal section of specimen L, and state four observable differences between specimens.
- L and M;
- L and N.
- State three observable similarities between specimens L and N.
- Make a drawing, 8 cm – 10 cm long of specimen N and label fully.
- Name the:
- mode of dispersal of specimen L;
- placentation of specimen L.
- State one economic importance of specimen N.